Have you ever thought about your dog walks as a tug of war? Some times I think it would be a good idea to have a treadmill to walk them for 15 minutes before we go so they are easier to calm down. Walking big joe was a joy and a challenge. He was an extraordinary great Dane; bigger than most so when he got excited to sniff the bushes up the street it was darn near impossible to do anything else. A gentle giant but he was funny about his walks. Taking him too far meant we were stopping for a rest where ever we were.. A few times this meant someone's driveway or sprawled out in the center of their yard.
I've learned a few tricks over the years....never take more than 3 dogs at a time walking and always make sure they have the same length of leash.
Walking 45 minutes in the morning and night with mid-sized or large dogs keeps their nails easier to maintain and their need for movement satisfied.
Although I was the Alpha of the pack, many days they walked me in circles. Train them early about the leash with treats and praise; it'll make them clear about what they're supposed to do when they are tethered to you.
I'd rather be out with the dogs than just about anything regardless of who's walking who.